Monday 18 December 2017

Production Diary

Today in class, we were sorted into groups for our music video task and our group consists of: Charlotte, Anneka, Holly and Katie. In our groups we had to come up with multiple songs that we could potentially use for out music video. Our criteria was to choose songs that do not have a very recognisable artist, an artist that would match the student in the video, and has to be interesting enough to generate multiple different ideas for the visuals for the video. We looked at multiple different songs and artists while brainstorming such as: NAO, Daughter and Rihanna.

In class today, we created a group presentation to show to the class our three song choices and our ideas and interpretations for each of the potential songs. Katie created two slides on powerpoint for the song Nostalgia by NAO, Holly created two slides for the song Burn it Down by Daughter, and Anneka created two slides for Rihanna's Consideration. On the first of our slides, we hyperlinked the song to play to the class when presenting and on the second we described our ideas for our own music video if we were to do it to that song.

Today, two of the four groups in class presented their presentations for their music videos while the rest of the class gave them feedback on their song choices and more ideas to use in their videos. This was productive to the other groups as it allowed them make a clearer and better oriented decision of which song to choose as a group.

In class today, our group presented our slideshow of our three top song choices for the final music video to the class and received feedback from our teacher and classmates. They told us their individual different ideas and which song would be the most successful for our group to create in their own opinion. Charlotte wrote down everyone's comments and made it into a blog post which is view-able on each of our own blogs.

 Today, we watched and marked other students music videos and evaluated their performances comparing it to the mark scheme . This was a helpful lesson as it helped by giving us inspiration for our own music video ideas, also we were able to see what grades where obtained by what video. We were then set a task to upload the music videos we watched and to write a post about what worked within the videos and what could have done with improvement . This would therefore help us when it came to planning and filming our own music video.

 In today's lesson, we came up with our artists name 'Sindee', and began to divide the tasks between us. Katie created a timetable of availability for next week, this meant we could begin to plan our filming schedule. Holly began to start the shoot mood board to help give us inspiration and ideas, Charlotte researched similar genre albums and CD covers whilst Anneka began to analyse the song lyrics and decide which of our shot ideas would fit in each part of the song.

 We had a major brain storm session today - we all came up with ideas and imagery and shots for the music video. We planned to film next Tuesday as we have half a day and also the following Wednesday when we have the day off from school. This time off from school is very useful as we will be able to film in daylight without anyone needing to be at work. We listed locations to shoot and began to come up with a prop list.

Today was independent work as our teacher was absent. As a group, we all did individual tasks which were required for us to complete. Anneka and Charlotte did the similar genre music videos' analysis by embedding videos which we found inspirational for our own video into a blog post and describing what we admired about the video and which aspects we would not use as inspiration and our reasons for both. Holly and Katie created a mood board for the whole video and the shots we aim to use. They found images from the internet and other artist's social media accounts and put them onto a word document to create a collage. The images which she used were reflections of our own ideas for shots, along with other artist's own ideas from their music videos. This is useful as it will allow us to know the main theme for our video and not go off track from our original ideas.

In today's lesson we completed our lip sync task. For this, we each lip synced 30 consecutive seconds of our song Nostalgia. After we had finished filming, we edited the footage on Adobe Premier, uploaded it to YouTube, then exported it to our blogs. We then made an agreed decision that Charlotte would be the main artist and feature in the music video.

Today we began filming our music video. After school we went to Chelmsord City Center to do some shopping. Within this shopping, we bought our props - these included marble light up balloons, glow sticks, silly string, glitter stick on eyelashes and sleeping mask.

 We then went back to Charlotte's house to begin the filming process. We began by choosing outfits for Charlotte to wear in the video and taking photos which could be used for the digipak, album cover and for the blog. After this we filmed out first scene outside where Charlotte is seen walking two dogs down the street in an extravagant outfit (large coat, tracksuit bottoms, heels and sunglasses), we used a range of shots, such as a 360 shot, tracking shot and a panning shot. For the next shoot, we filmed in the conservatory. Charlotte was seen in these shots drinking tea and lip syncing the lyrics. We then ran a bubble bath bath and put the glow sticks and balloons in the water to create our desired colourful and neon scene. Charlotte was filmed sitting in the bath with dark makeup on, lip syncing and dancing to the song. The final filming scene was in Charlotte's bedroom where we filmed her drying and curling her hair, then in her bed lip syncing and pretending to wake up.
Today was just the start of filming, we wanted to see what we could achieve in just one afternoon. It was a good starting point as it means we can now spend time looking back through our footage to see what went successfully and looks good and will be used, and what needs improving. The next step in the filming process is to shoot the scenes in the drama studio, and perhaps re-shoot some of our previous footage that may not be suitable.

Today was our first lesson back from filming, as a group we looked back through the photographs we took that could potentially be used for album covers. We selected a few of our favourites to use. We then uploaded our filming to the Mac and began to look back through the footage Holly and Anneka sorted through the footage by deleting clips which would not be used. Charlotte began to work on the steal-o-matic by deciphering which videos to use, whilst I updated the blog.

 Today we spent the first part of the lesson learning about different styles of websites and how they are portrayed. Mrs Brookes showed us a screen cast she had made for a band website. The aim of this was to expand our research on websites and give us inspiration for our potential website. We were then set the task to each do a screen cast into our own chosen website. We each individually began doing this by choosing a website to use and downloading the correct software to complete this task (steal-o-matic).

We had a catch up lesson with our teacher today to track our progress on completing our tasks and blog posts, we established how the tasks would be differentiated between us all to make sure we would stay on track and have everything completed by the deadline. We then continued the lesson each working individually on tasks. Anneka was editing the steal-o-matic on Adobe Premier by trimming the parts of the chosen music videos which we admired and would like to use. Charlotte uploaded the images we took in the filming process to blogger to create a blog post on costumes, make-up and props. Katie and Holly updated the production diary and began uploading the evidence of filming and evidence of work.

Today Katie worked on Evidence of filming and photos and footage and posted it on the blog. Anneka continued with the steal-o-matic, she added new footage and edited it on Adobe Premiere.  Holly filtered through all the pictures and footage we took in the filming process and divided them into what would be productive in our music video.

Today Katie began the risk assessment, Charlotte worked on the official shooting schedule document, Anneka continued the steal-o-matic and Holly continued the storyboard.

In Today's lesson, we began the process of editing by uploading all the footage onto premier, Anneka began the editing process for our music video, Charlotte did some research for our digipack by looking at similar genres of music and artists's digipaks. Holly did some research into websites and Katie continued to finish the official documents for the risk assessment and shooting schedule.

Today Mrs Field taught us about cross media, and the importance of having a brand image, which links throughout all of our media , such as the website, the music video and dig pack. We looked at Daft Punk's website, music video and Digipak to see an example of how their cross media worked and how the brand image was constantly used with unity throughout the different elements of media.

Today, we collectively decided to create appropriate social media platforms for our artists for the reason of expanding our brand and making our artist more widely known. Katie took charge of this and created a twitter account. She personalised it by making the profile photo, header photo pictures of our artist; making the bio say we were a new artist and making the location say London to make our artist seem more professional. We then all brainstormed some names for our artist to put on the twitter account. We decided that in tomorrows lesson we would create a survey of our brainstormed names.
For the remainder of the lesson, Anneka continued with the editing, Holly began the process of creating the website, and Charlotte began to edit the images for our Digipak.

Today we did create the name survey as we had planned in our previous lesson. Katie created this survey on SurveyNuts, a website which allows the public to make free multiple choice styled surveys. Once this complete, Katie sent the link to teachers and students across the school for them to participate in the survey in order to get a large enough sample for us to make the correct decision of our artist's name.
Anneka continued editing. She is beginning by editing the chorus and second verse as she feels it will make it easier to build the whole video and make it have unity by beginning in the middle of the song. She is using different effects which she has found through browsing the internet and watching tutorials in order to reach the best outcome possible.
Charlotte is still continuing with the Digipak. She is editing each photo on Adobe Photoshop to make them all have the colour purple as the main theme, in order to have unity throughout the six photos. She is creating this purple theme by colour correcting to produce the purple tint, then adjusting the brightness and saturation of each photo accordingly.
Holly continued with making the website, she is using the website WIX in order to produce it. WIX allows the public to use its arsenal of tools and designs to make their own free website, with their own URL to share it - which is what we intend to do. Holly also made a gif to make to opening image of the website, so anyone visiting our website can see a snippet of our intended music video.

Today is the day during half term which we met up as a group in order to get more footage for our music video and more images for our digipak and website. We filmed at Charlotte's house, likewise to our first day of filming to continue the unity throughout the music video. Holly had the task of filming Charlotte and Anneka ensured that the mise en scen was correct: the lighting, costumes and props. Katie could not attend, so Charlotte showed her the footage the next day in order to ensure the whole group agreed and was included in the creative filming process.
We managed to get a range of  both indoor and outdoor shots of different angles and movements.
For the photography aspect, we additionally managed to get a range of shots which we decided we would use in the Digipak.

Today Katie received the results from our artist name survey. The most popular name which the recipients decided on was "Nova". Within our group decision, we all decided that we liked this name also and would use it for our artist. Katie altered the twitter account so that it advertised our new name to our followers.
Mrs Brookes set us the task of creating a presentation on our halfway evaluations, which should include a 30 second teaser for our music video, our first drafts of our digipak and website, our artist's background, and our target audience and how we would convey this. Holly and Katie began this presentation.
Charlotte continued with the Digipak, by asking our teacher for their opinion and on receiving her feedback, she altered it accordingly. Our teacher said to change some of the photos in order to make the unity across it more obvious.
Anneka continued editing. She used the effect "warp stabilizer" on all of the clips which the camera was too shaky. This effect made the clips more stable and fluid which created an overall more complete look to our video.

Today, Katie completed the steal-o-matic and then uploaded it to YouTube, which allowed us to upload it onto our blogs. We all agreed that the steal-o-matic task gave us more clarity of what our theme and ideas were for our final video were.
Anneka continued editing the music video. As of this lesson, she has completed 20 seconds of solid footage and believes it is going well and on track.
Charlotte continued with the Digipak by deciding on 12 song names and an album name, and adding that text onto the back cover of it.
Holly continued with the website.

Today, Katie continued with the Halfway evaluation presentation. Today she wrote about Nova's background and rise to fame, and then our target audience and how we made this clear in our video and other platforms.
Charlotte made a second social media platform for Nova. She created an Instagram account in order to get our artist's name more widely known.
Anneka continued editing to get as much done so that we had our solid 30 second teaser looking successful and professional.

Today, we completed the halfway evaluation presentation. Charlotte sent her second draft of the Digipak to Katie, Holly sent a link and some screen-grabs of the website to Katie, and Anneka exported the 40 seconds of footage which she had and uploaded it to YouTube so that Katie could import it to the presentation. Katie put all of what she was sent on the presentation and put it on the blog ready to present to the class on Monday.

Today, three groups from our class presented the halfway evaluations. Phoebe and Lucy's Can't Sleep went first. We wrote our comments on a sheet, stating what we thought were successes and weaknesses of each aspect.
Our group went second, we collected our feedback sheets at the end of the presentations and Charlotte uploaded them to the blog after we had gone through them.
Jordan, Harry and Sam's Paleme went last where we additionally wrote our feedback on similar sheets.
This lesson was productive as it allowed us to see how far along we were in comparison to the rest of the class. Furthermore, the task made our group do more work than usual in the past week as we treated it as a form of a deadline.

Today we all carried on with our own tasks. Anneka continued editing the music video, starting to link up the first verse with the chorus, Katie continued blogging and finished designing the merchandise for our website, Holly continued creating and developing the website and Charlotte wrote a blog post assessing and reflecting all of the feedback we recieved for our halfway evaluation.

Today Katie added to the risk assessment, assessing the risks from our most recent filming, Charlotte began to create the Magazine cover for Nova and Anneka continued editing the music video.

Anneka continued to edit, whilst Holly worked on the website addressing the feedback from the halfway evaluation. Katie began to start the cross media task by using Prezi and Charlotte completed the magazine cover for paper which was them uploaded to our blogs.

Today Charlotte edited the digi pack focusing on the feedback from the halfway evaluation which was to create synergy. Holly continued to work on the website also aiming to make synergy so that all our media products link. Katie worked on the Cross media task which helps to highlight how synergy works and how important it is for standing and creating a recognisable image. Anneka worked on editing the music video adding new effects such a mirroring.

In Todays lesson Holly finished the website and asked for feedback from the teachers, this was then used to write a blog post about the success of the website and where it can be improved. Anneka continued the editing, Katie finished the cross media task and Charlotte worked on improving the Digi Pack.

Today, in the lesson we all continued with the tasks we have been working on for the last couple of lessons. Katie continued with updating all of the blog posts, writing about Nova's tour dates etc, Holly continued with developing the website, Anneka has completed over half of the music video and Charlotte was making final touches on the digipak.

Today we all continued with doing our previous tasks, making sure we are all up to date and making good progress in time for the deadline.

In class today, Anneka continued to edit the music video, ready for the for the first draft which is due 29th November to present to the class. Charlotte uploaded the digipak to the blog and Katie continued on with research and planning for the blog, Holly also continued with developing the website.

Today, Anneka continued with making the music video, Charlotte and Katie continued writing bog posts and carrying out research on how we could improve different aspect of the music video and advertising such as making the tour poster. Holly continued with making the website.

Today Anneka was editing, Katie continued making the tour poster and confirmed dates which link with our website, Charlotte started to create the magazine cover and Holly focused on the website.

Anneka edited the music video, Katie made a blog post analysing the last part of our music video and what it is inspired by, Charlotte continued making the magazine cover and Holly worked on the website.

Today Anneka continued with the music video, Katie made a presentation on our feedback, Charlotte wrote about the inspiration of our magazine cover and Holly worked on the website.

Anneka continued to edit the music video, Katie continued with her presentation, Charlotte wrote about the inspiration for the font used for our logo and Holly continued with the website.

Today Anneka and Holly continued with the music video editing and the development of the website, and Katie and Charlotte wrote more blog posts about the inspiration for the photoshoots we did and the website pages.

Today Anneka continued with the music video editing, Holly continued with the creation of the website, and Katie and Charlotte did blog posts about our merchandise and wrote the email of consent to the publicist of NAO so we could have permission to use the song for our music video without being copyrighted.

Today Anneka continued with the music video and Holly continued with the website, and Katie and Charlotte continued making blog posts to do with the research behind the music video.

In class today, Anneka and Holly carried on with their usual tasks of the music video and the website, while Katie and Charlotte work on blogging.

Today Anneka continued with making the music video, altering and editing to create the correct mood and genre for the video, Holly continued with designing the website, thinking of ways to make it interesting for the user, and Katie and Charlotte continued making blog posts.

Today we collected the feedback from the first draft of the music video and went over it as a group. We discussed the points people had made which we were planning to take into consideration and add into the music video. This was mainly to steady out some shots, make the timings more precise, and make the colour correcting consistent throughout.
For the remainder of the lesson. we typed up the feedback and Anneka applied the feedback to the video in the editing process

Today Charlotte finalised the Digipak to make it the final draft. She posted it on the blog under the title 'Digipak Final'. All of us as a group posted it onto our own blogs.
Anneka continued editing and Katie and Holly carried on with the feedback evaluation.

Today we began planning for the interview for Nova. We want it to be in the same style of Noah Cyrus's MTV interview which is relaxed and more getting to know about the interviewee - as Nova is new to the public.
We created a blog post on this resesarch which has an embedded emaze containing all of our research. This emaze has analysis of Louis Thomlinson's interview MTV interview as well as Noah Cyrus's (mentioned earlier). It ends with our plan for our own interview for Nova.
Anneka continued with the editing doing small amendments.

Today we all worked on individual blog posts in order to fill in any gaps which we had neglected by prioritising other work in this coursework process. Katie and Charlotte worked on a post on marketing research, Holly worked on a post on more website research to document the whole process of creating a website.
Anneka helped with the blog posts by making contribution to the research and writing of them, and carried on with the editing of the final video.

Today we worked on more blog posts. As Charlotte has finished the Digipak, she created a blog post on the Digipak research/ inspiration and the process behind it. She also created a post on the Digipak feedback that she received from the final Digipak.
Holly and Katie worked on a post on the Cross Media task and Anneka continued the editing.

Today we did more blog work. we posted blog posts on Music video Inspiration and Song Inspiration for the final song choice and the music video visuals.
Anneka continued editing as well as contributing to the blog posts.

After conversing with our teacher during the lesson today, we had more clarity on what posts we had left to write about - which was not many as we had completed the majority of them within the earlier stages of our coursework (September, October, November).
Therefore we continued making blog posts based on our teacher's feedback. Today in lesson we did: Costume Inspiration, Editing Techniques, and Filming Techniques.

Today Anneka completed the editing for the Music video and began exporting it, which will not be completely done until our next lesson (Monday 18/12). We carried on with blog posts: Location analysis, Mark scheme analysis, and Social Media Inspiration.

Today in our lesson, the music video had completed exporting on Adobe Premiere Pro, so we uploaded it to YouTube under the title Nova Final on Anneka Williamson's channel. We then embedded the video onto our own individual blogs under the Construction label.

Today, as the music video was complete, we all prioritised working on our blogs and completing our blog posts. We collectively worked on Merchandise Research, Music Video Representations, Artist Inspiration for Nova's Image, and Issues we Overcame In The Filming Process.
Holly also completed the Website and we all uploaded this onto our blogs under the name Website Final and labelled Construction.

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Final Music Video

This is our final music video for Nobody Better by Nova which we created.