Sunday 10 September 2017


How do you consume music? 
I listen to music for a large majority of the day, every day. Music has practically become a backing track to my life nowadays as I listen to it whilst doing most tasks.
Typically, my day with music goes that I listen to my playlists when I get ready in the mornings, listen to the radio in the car/ on my phone if I'm walking somewhere, listen to my library/ playlist whilst working (if that is permitted), then on the way home, in my free time when I'm alone at home, and then before bed to help me sleep.
I listened to music most around exam period. It helped me concentrate whilst revising, in the fact that I was not getting distracted by my surroundings. Also when I wanted to relax during my revision breaks, I would tend to reach for my music library on my phone over anything else.

I listen to music mainly when I have free time to myself, so this requires for me to be alone and not in anyone's company. Therefore, I pejoratively listen to music in my bedroom. However, when I am out with company, music is usually always on in the background just as background noise.
Also, whenever I travel, I will always listen to music. If its in the car, I'll listen to the radio, or if its for a long journey, I'll listen to songs of my own with earphones. I'll always listen to music if I'm on public transport or if I'm walking somewhere without company.
I've been to a collection of music festivals additionally. This year I attended two days of the Wireless festival weekend, along with V festival. Wireless is a R&B and Hip Hop festival and V festival is mainly a pop festival, although it does cater to most music genres and tastes.

Who with? 
If I find a song which makes me think of someone, or makes me think that a certain person will like it, I will always either send them the song or play it when I am with them. When I am with friends in a relaxed atmosphere, we usually will play our music through speakers. My friends and I all have quite a range of music tastes, so it's typically quite difficult to play a variation of songs which we all like when we are all together at a gathering.
Although, I do primarily listen to music by myself to relax and for escapism.

90% of the music I listen to is from my own library on my phone. I use Apple Music to stream and download music - on this app, there are pre-made curated playlists for all genres of music. I tend to listen to the R&B/ Soul and Hip Hop/ Rap playlists. I will always listen to music when getting ready in order to make time seem to go faster, and create an upbeat mood. When in the car for short journeys I will listen to the radio, although, my typical music taste played on mainstream radio stations, so for longer journeys I will always listen to my own music.
I enjoy live music immensely due to the atmosphere and have been to a handful of concerts and music festivals/ events.

Why? What are the pleasures associated with music consumption? What does it offer the audience and what needs does it gratify?
I listen to music in order for different reasons, which are all displayed in the uses and gratifications theory: Personal Identification, information, entertainment and social interaction. I listen to music to exaggerate the mood and emotions I am experiencing, such as an upbeat happy song if I have just received some good news. The same principle goes for entertainment purposes.
Music gives me pleasure in that it can relax me, get me excited, and help me escape. It is difficult to beat the feeling of discovering a song which fits your music taste and mood exactly - I really believe music makes everyday modern life a lot more enjoyable and bearable, especially useful for people who are experiencing a tough or depressing event.

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Final Music Video

This is our final music video for Nobody Better by Nova which we created.