Thursday 28 September 2017

Similar Genre Videos

Macklemore - Downtown
We like this video as it does not have a true narrative - it shows many random shots without much correlation. Although this song is a different genre to our pop song (this one is hip-hop), the music video does not hold strict hip hop conventions: there are not any guns or weapons/ showing off money. The only part of this music video that fits hip hop conventions is the use of women for the male gaze.
We would implement the use of colour, outdoor shots, hair and clothing styles and camera work from this video.

NAO - Fool to Love
This music video is by the same artist that we are doing for our final music video, this means this video's song is of the same genre as our chosen song. What we like about this video is the use of lighting, it uses different coloured lighting throughout, beginning with orange and moving to white and green.
Another aspect of this video which we like is the movement of the actor/ dancer. His "wacky" dancing is what we had originally envisioned for our music video, and is still remaining in our plan
Although, we would not use the camera work of this music video as it begins as one whole shot, when we would like top use many fast cuts of different shots going in time with the beat.

Dua Lipa - New Rules
This song is in the same genre as our chosen song, likewise to fool to love. We admire the use of different colour within outfits and settings. This is specifically admirable in the scene where the six different girls are aligned wearing the same dressing gown in each a different colour. Another shot which we like is one where the actress opens the curtains in one shot, where it then moves to another shot beginning with her opening the curtains in a different location.
Although, we would not use the camera work as they use one continuous shot for the majority of this video.

Sundara Karma - She Said
We admire the use of colour in this video. Such as the backdrops: shiny purple streamers, gold streamers, blue sequins. Additionally the often shot changes without a particular narrative. We also like the costume use in this video, such as the platform black leather heels.
Despite this, we would not use the amount of performance that this video features, as this video shows the whole band playing which we would not plan to do.

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Final Music Video

This is our final music video for Nobody Better by Nova which we created.